Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

When I asked Mom what she would like me to say on the blog today, her eyes lit up and she said to be sure and thank everyone for all they have done for her. Although she cannot remember the first weeks and months of her ordeal, she is keenly aware that she has been served and blessed in so many ways and she is overwhelmed to think of all the kindnesses shown to her and our family. Over the years Mom has written hundreds (probably thousands) of thank you notes and it is frustrating for her to be unable to express her gratitude in that way. Although this is more impersonal than she would like, please know how much your thoughts, prayers and numerous acts of kindness are appreciated!

How special it was to celebrate Christmas Eve in the usual way, gathering for dinner at Mom and Dad's house, reading the Christmas story and opening gifts. Shopping for everyone was too overwhelming to consider, so we convinced Mom to be satisfied giving gift cards this year. She spent many hours making lists and figuring out how many gift cards she needed to purchase, then putting them in envelopes and writing names on the outside. Simple tasks we take for granted must be relearned, and Mom was determined to figure it all out! Way to go, Mom!

Mom continues to improve day by day, and although she still has a ways to go, she has come so very far. Yesterday she visited the cornea specialist who was thrilled with the improvement in her eye. The severe redness is subsiding and the vision is clearing. Best of all, the area of scar tissue is smaller than first suspected and a transplant may not be necessary. Although the final verdict won't be known for a few months, once again we acknowledge the Lord's hand in this process.

Looking back over 2009 we are humbled at the many blessings we have received. Despite the trials we have faced we have seen the Lord's hand each step of the way. Our testimonies have grown and our love for each other has been strengthened and deepened. Lynn told me once that despite all her trials with cancer she wouldn't trade what she had learned for anything. I think we can understand her feelings a bit more after traveling this road over the past several months.

We sincerely wish each of you a wonderful new year! Happy 2010!!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

It's December already and Christmas is almost here. Four months ago we never could have envisioned the progress Mom has made and we are so grateful for all the miracles we have received. Mom goes to speech, occupational and physical therapy twice a week for three hours each time. The therapists encourage Mom to do as much as possible around the house. Her right side is still quite a bit weaker than the left, so she is supposed to wear an oven mitt on her left hand during the day so her right hand will do most of the work. But she is able to cook simple meals, and do the dishes as well as the laundry. Her handwriting is coming along, although it is quite a chore. She is also working on the computer more and trying to create cards like she used to enjoy doing. Each card takes several hours to create, but Mom is determined!!! Although she gets around quite well, she trips easily and, in fact, fell twice this week. Slow down, sweet mother, and remember, "No more mothers jumping on the bed!"

Medically things are going well except for her right eye. Despite intense care from her ophthalmologist, the infection is not quite gone, so he sent Mom to a cornea specialist. The sobering news is that Mom will need a cornea transplant because the infection was not treated adequately in the hospital, which allowed for extensive scar tissue formation. Mom is praying for another miracle, but feels as if the Lord has already granted so many in her behalf that she shouldn't ask for more. However, we know He is very aware of our dear mother, so we are joining our faith with hers in requesting His help once again. We humbly ask for your faith and prayers as well.

We are so grateful to be celebrating this special Christmas season with Mom. We wish each of you a joyous holiday!