Today was the best we've had in some time. Mom stood up three different times in therapy, and was quite alert for most of the day! Unfortunately they reinserted the feeding tube, despite the fact that we thought she was eating quite well. They explained that Mom needs to have a minimum of 1800 calories each day for optimum recovery and rehab, so her intake is carefully monitored. The plan is to use the feeding tube at night to administer whatever calories were missed during the day. Tonight she was short 245 calories, so Randy and Cheryl went down to the cafeteria and bought all sorts of delectable goodies to entice Mom with. Between choosing the food, feeding it to her, and checking online to calculate the calorie count of each bite, it was a family affair to make up the deficit! I guess that illustrates just how fond we are of the feeding tube. NOT!
Ruth and Alycia came to wish Mom happy birthday a day early. They brought a really fun musical balloon that you can tap and it will play a rocking version of Elvis singing Happy Birthday. Mom could actually bat the balloon to make it play and danced in her bed to the beat! When I arrived, Dad asked if she wanted to dance with the balloon again. Mom replied that she would rather dance with him!
The highlight of the day happened about 7:00 p.m. After a very painful procedure, Mom finally relaxed and began resting comfortably. Shortly thereafter, Mom and Dad's Bishop and home teacher arrived with a cheerful arrangement of flowers to wish Mom a happy birthday. As we were visiting, the door opened and in walked about 15 beautiful Young Women and their leaders. I can't begin to describe the feeling they brought into the room as those sweet Young Women gathered around Mom's bed and began singing to her. They started off with "Happy Birthday," and then sang "A Child's Prayer," one of my favorite Primary songs. Then they presented Mom with a vase of gorgeous burgundy gerbera daisies and a memory binder decorated with her name, full of sweet notes from each Young Woman. Mom thanked them all for coming and bore her testimony to them. It was so tender. Dad, Jim Jr. and I could hardly contain ourselves. I couldn't help but think of D&C 84:88: "I will go before your face. I will be on your right hand and on your left, and my Spirit shall be in your hearts, and mine angels round about you, to bear you up." Although those beautiful girls probably don't realize it, they were truly angels from our Heavenly Father, sent to brighten our countenances and lift up our feeble knees. They brought tears to my eyes as the Spirit bore witness to my weary heart that Heavenly Father is truly aware of us and is guiding our situation. What a beautiful experience!
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