Friday, October 2, 2009

PEGS are NOT fun!

Mom had the PEG line inserted today. We were under the impression that it was a simple 15 minute procedure. Maybe it didn't take a long time, but it sure has been miserable. Her throat hurts from the tube/camera they put down into her stomach and her lips are swollen and sore, not to mention the wound in her stomach where the device was inserted. They have been giving her pain meds, but the thing that brought her the most relief was when Randy and RJ gave her a blessing tonight. After that she rested comfortably. Hopefully she will feel better rapidly. We were hoping to take her home to watch a session of conference, but she'll have to make a pretty big turn around for that to happen.

At least with the PEG line the pressure is off to get Mom to eat and drink enough. The staff has asked the family to be less involved at mealtimes and during Mom's therapy in order to allow her more control over her progress. We feel good about their request, as it will allow us to just focus on loving Mom and celebrating her progress instead of feeling pressure to have her perform.

Tonight Mom said that we don't always understand what we have to go through but that Heavenly Father knows the reasons why. What a woman of faith she is! Love ya, Mom!

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh! two steps forward and then a backward one. hope the night was comfortable.
