Wednesday, October 7, 2009

There's no place like home!

Today Mom went on a field trip home!!! The physical therapist and assistant accompanied Mom and Dad and gave recommendations on items that need to be done around the house so Mom can function at home. Mom was able to lay on her very own bed, sit at her computer desk, and rest on the couch in her very own living room! She said it felt so good, but she was understandably exhausted when she arrived back at the hospital.

It's so exciting to see Mom this mobile, but it also has some drawbacks. Today Dad and I went to talk to someone on the floor about insurance, and when we got back to Mom's room, she was sitting up on the side of the bed ready to push herself to a standing position. While Mom can get around quite well, she always has at least one person by her side for support, so we are a bit anxious about her trying to get out of bed alone. The last thing she needs is to fall and injure herself.

Our next hurdle to overcome is Mom's stomach pain. If we look back on the blog we can pinpoint the exact day she stopped eating - Sept. 12th. She has consistently complained of stomach pain since then, and unfortunately, it seems to be getting worse. She can't say exactly what or where the pain is, only that her stomach hurts and she doesn't feel like eating. It's all a vicious circle, because if she could feel better, and feel like eating, she could have more strength. Currently she is getting most of her calories from drinks like Ensure, Boost, and instant breakfast. We're going to put on our detective hats and see if we can't get to the bottom of this. If it's not one thing, it's another!

But all in all, it's been a great day! Like Dorothy says, "There's no place like home!"

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