Sunday, October 4, 2009

Popcorn and lemonade!

Thank heavens Mom is feeling better today!!! Although we didn't get to take her home on an outing like we had hoped, she enjoyed watching Conference in her room with Dad. At dinnertime she didn't eat too much, but said she wanted some popcorn, her favorite. So, we popped a small bag and she surprised us all by feeding it to herself! Then she went on to drink a cup of lemonade and munch on some apple slices ALL BY HERSELF! How exciting that she has enough control of her hands to manage lifting a glass and picking up popcorn on her own. This is a great step towards independence!

The nurse had some interesting insights about eating. She pointed out that an entire tray of food might be overwhelming to Mom. That really rang true to me, especially since Mom has never been a very big eater. In fact, she has always taken small portions of food, so the large quantities very well might be an issue. Perhaps smaller portions spread throughout the day might be the trick. Now, just how to go about that is a mystery, but it might be worth pursuing. Never a dull moment!

We are grateful for this improvement, and while it might seem small, to us it is HUGE! As we look back over the past TEN weeks (tomorrow, believe it or not) we can definitely see a pattern of good days followed by not so good days, and some downright awful ones as well. However, the sun always comes out again and we take comfort in knowing that Heavenly Father is in charge. We can't thank you enough for all your support and prayers on her behalf.

Eat some popcorn and lemonade in celebration!

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