Thursday, October 1, 2009

Round and round and round she goes!

So Mom walked all the way around the floor one and a half times today! Way to go, Mom! The therapists have asked that we don't attend therapy with her anymore so she doesn't get distracted. I guess that means she's making progress, since they used to want us to come. Either that, or we're a bit over the top . . . (Hey, we're just trying to help!!!)

The PEG placement procedure is scheduled for tomorrow morning. While they're in there, the doctor will be checking to see what might be bothering Mom's stomach. If we can figure out what's hurting, maybe she will feel more like eating. Keep her in your prayers tomorrow!

Mom said the family prayer again tonight. It is always so wonderful to hear her talk to Heavenly Father! Jim Jr. is usually there to help feed Mom breakfast and he said she says the prayer on the food most every morning as well. That's our sweet Mom!

Tonight as I said goodbye to Mom I whispered to her that I pray for her all the time. She replied that she does the same for me! How sweet is that?!

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