The therapy room is absolutely beautiful. It has big panoramic windows that look out over the south part of the valley and you can see clear to the point of the mountain. It will be good to have such a breathtaking change of scenery.
Today Mom was pretty loopy. The doctor wants her to sit up in the wheelchair more than she is in bed, and she was quite out of sorts for several hours. We have discovered than when she is uncomfortable, she can be quite incoherent, so we are trying to find out exactly what hurts and take care of it. Later on this evening as she began to feel more comfortable, she was her sweet self again and had a nice conversation with Ariane. It is quite the adventure trying to figure everything out.
To be perfectly honest, it is hard to watch when Mom is off in her own world. I have discovered than if I sing hymns or Primary songs right into Mom's ear, it distracts her and calms her down. She also sings herself at times, and we think it's one way she copes with what is going on. Another method she uses is to go to sleep, but we need her to be alert and participate in therapy. What a vicious circle!!!
We truly need your faith and prayers. As we look forward to another fast Sunday this week, we also ask that you include Mom in your fast. It means so much to us.