Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Step by step

Today we asked to meet with the team that works with Mom, along with those who determine her eligibility to stay in the hospital and qualify for intensive rehab.  We really appreciated their input and perspective as well as the opportunity to share our thoughts and ask questions.  I especially enjoyed hearing the doctor share a synopsis of Mom's situation.  He reiterated his feeling that she has come a long way and that she has a lot of progress still to come.  He feels that in a year from now we will be surprised at how well she is doing.  We have had some well-meaning staff advise us to accept how our Mother is (as if she will not progress any further) so it was wonderful to hear the doctor express his opinion that she will continue to make great improvements.  

It appears from our meeting that Mom probably won't be discharged until Monday, so that buys us some precious time.  We spent the evening visiting several nursing facilities.  Although the first two were very unappealing, the last two had some real potential.  It was a relief to discover that some acceptable options might actually be available.  (We were beginning to wonder!) Since we met with them after hours, we don't know if either facility has an opening, or if Mom will even qualify for their programs, so we have some work to do tomorrow. We also got some referrals from Louise and Lorraine tonight that we will check out.  We like options!

After we met with the team, Mom's doctor spent 10 or 15 minutes talking with her.  Mom was very alert and the doctor was pleased to see such improvement.  He was very forthright with Mom, and explained that she has a lot of work ahead of her.  She told him that she is willing to work, even though it will be painful.  Later on tonight, Mom recalled the conversation with the doctor and told us about her decision.  It felt like we had our Mom back!

Mom looks more like herself everyday.  She actually ate all of her dinner tonight and seems to have more strength.  She even said the family prayer as we gathered around her bed before leaving, and sounded like Mom.  She also has more movement in her right had than yesterday. So, little by little, step by step we are getting there.  We are heartened by her progress and pray that she will continue to make improvements.    

1 comment:

  1. YAY, Grammie!!! You always seem to show some progress everyday. And that is awesome. H-E-L-L-O from California! We love you and are thinking of you. XOXO, Bryce, Nancy & Derek
