Saturday, August 15, 2009

Tender Mercies

Today deserves a second entry.  Tonight Dad, Jim Jr., Randy, Cheryl and I all ended up in Mom's room at the same time.  Mom was getting sleepy but was still awake enough to carry on an extended, incredibly detailed conversation.  Mom is slowing becoming aware of, and is inquiring constantly about what happened to her, and her current condition. We were telling Mom about all the tender mercies that have been showered upon us over the past three weeks. We reminded her about the blessing she was given the night before her surgery, promising that she would see the hand of the Lord throughout this procedure . . . and shared some of the miracles that have happened to her while she was still in a coma.  

Then, who should walk into our room but Danielle, one of our earliest tender mercies, the nurse who helped us get Mom moved from LDS Hospital to the neuro ICU here in Murray.  She ended up being Mom's nurse tonight, despite the fact that she usually works in ICU.  We were so excited to see her and thank her again for all she did for Mom and for our family. Then we shared with Mom some of the events she's been through.  Mom bore her testimony several times about how blessed our family has been through this whole ordeal.   

Her nurses assistant tonight, Ruth, has taken special care of Mom.  Mom kept calling her Betty, and we were wondering what Mom was thinking.  Dad finally figured out that Ruth looks like someone they served with at Adam-ondi-Ahman named Betty!  

It has been a special treat to have been in Mom's presence tonight and the Spirit was there in abundance.   We closed the evening with a family prayer around her bed, and left feeling peaceful and calm.  So this was the biggest tender mercy of all, and reminds us all that this is what families are all about!  

Goodnight, our dear, sweet Mother, wife and friend.



  1. How cool! We were there around 5pm and she was sound asleep. We wrote her a note and then she woke up for a few minutes -- she definitely has the Grammie phrasing and sound back in her voice. We told her to take a nap and we would come see her again tomorrow afternoon. She said, "Oh, good. Thanks, Nancy. Love you!"

    Love you too, Grammie!

  2. Pauline, it sure is good to here how well you are doing. I have had quite a time getting on the blog, hope this makes it. you sound like my big sister now! Keep getting better so you can come see us again! maybe i'm not so challenged in the area of blogs.
    Love ya, Louise
