Sunday, August 23, 2009

I feel my Savior's love!

This might go down as one of the happiest days of our lives! This afternoon Mom was Mom!!! The physical therapist said Mom could go for a ride in the wheelchair and that we could take her OUTSIDE!!! When he got Mom out of bed and into the wheelchair, she totally cooperated with him and tried her best to do everything he asked. She thanked him for his help and was so appreciative of everything. We could hardly contain our excitement as we wheeled her outside. The weather was perfect and a warm breeze was blowing. We sat outside by the fountain and Mom was so happy and gracious to everyone. It was thrilling!!!

When we got back to the room, Cheryl and I helped the aide, Stacie, give Mom a real shower and shampoo! (Stacie deserves a medal -- she was a real trooper!) Mom was so happy she cried. At first we thought she was upset, but she told us it felt wonderful. She even hummed as we shampooed her hair! But she was exhausted by the time we finished, and it was all we could do to get her back in bed. Stacie brought warm blankets and Mom snuggled up all clean and comfortable.

When I first arrived today, I told Mom about the temple dedication, and how beautiful it was. She got tears in her eyes as she told me how much she wanted to attend. I explained how I had thought of her all during the dedication and told her that she has more faith than anyone I know. She thanked me for having faith in her and expressed hope that she would get better. When I asked if she felt discouraged, she replied that sometimes it is so hard. I told her that we love her so much and would all be there to help! It was a tender conversation.

We are hoping for the best with Mom's evaluation tomorrow. We're crossing our fingers that they will do it in the morning, as she still drifts in an out of current conversation very easily when she is tired. We are thrilled beyond measure with her progress today, and know it is a direct answer to everyone's prayers for a miracle. Thank you for your love, support and faith. It means the world to us!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so happy you had such a special day yesterday. I know she would have loved to attend the temple dedication, but I am sure she felt the spirit of it from you. I hope the evaluation went well today. However it went, there will be challenges ahead, but I know the Lord will guide you through it and continue to be a strength for you. Pauline, I love you. I'm glad you were able to get outside and enjoy some of the beauty there. I will try to come by Tuesday afternoon after my shift at the conference center. Luv & hugs, Linda Rehart:)
