Thursday, August 20, 2009

Will the real Dr. Seuss please stand up?

Today Mom came up with some silly rhymes and nonsense words. I told her she was sounding alot like Dr. Seuss and she thought that was pretty entertaining! We're convinced that the sleeping medication is throwing her for a loop, so we're having them try an even lower dose tonight. We're pretty anxious to have her alert enought that she can qualify for the intensive rehab upstairs, and they have given us a deadline of Monday as her final evaluation. If she doesn't qualify we will have to move her to an off-site facility, something we are not anxious to do. We are praying for an outright miracle, and invite you to join us in petitioning the Lord in Mom's behalf.

Our big news today is that MOM ATE REAL FOOD!!! OK, OK, it was a few bites of applesauce along with her ice chips, but we'll take it. That is her first real food in 25 days - definitely something to celebrate! Tomorrow they will be doing a swallow evaluation, and we're hoping she can be cleared to eat a few simple things. (Who knew swallowing could be so complicated?) Mom also sat up in a special chair for quite awhile, and went for a ride around the halls. Mom's sister, Lorraine, came up this morning, and for the rest of the day, Mom called for Lorraine. She also threw in a few Louise's too! There's nothing quite like a sister!

Mom came up with some sweet one-liners today as well. Tonight Mom told one of the nurses that she needed to thank everyone for their care and testimony of the scriptures. She also mentioned that maybe she would wake up tomorrow and find all her aches and pains had been left by the side of the road. We're with you on all counts, Mom! We're all praying for you!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad she was able to eat real food. That is encourageing that she ate that many bites without a problem, so hopefully the swallowing evaluation will go well. I am keeping her in my prayers. Linda Rehart
