Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sweet Serenade

Today we had SIXTEEN people in Mom's room.  Ariane brought her violin and played some beautiful hymns (not hers) for Grammie.  She started out with a special request, "Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing," and went on to play quite a few more, including, "I Know That My Redeemer Lives,"  "Adam-ondi-Ahman," and "Because I Have Been Given Much."  

Mom was in fine form, laughing at everyone's jokes, including her own.  One of the funniest was when Mom said she wanted to play Ariane's violin.  Dad asked Mom if she could make her fingers work, and Mom replied, "Is the Pope Catholic?"  It was so unexpected that we were all laughing, including Mom, who laughed so hard that the bed shook.  

With 16 people in the room, it got a little noisy between songs.  We jokingly suggested that Mom tell everyone to listen.  We were all a bit startled when Mom announced, quite loudly, "Will the family please be quiet?"  Everyone, including Mom, got a kick out of that one.

Mom was beaming to have her family gathered around.  She talked to everyone in the room and called them by name.  When Nan, Bryce and Derek arrived, Grammie said, "Hi, little sweetie!" to Derek.  She told RJ, "Grammie loves you."  When I asked if she felt loved, she said, "Yes, I do." Mission accomplished!

Nan also brought some nail polish to give Grammie a pedicure.  Nan had previously painted Mom's toenails on the 4th of July, in anticipation of her upcoming surgery.  At that time Mom was a bit concerned that she was too old for painted toenails, but went ahead and chose orange polish. Six weeks later, those toes are in need of a touch up coat, and this time around Mom chose light blue to match her hospital gown.  Nan got the polish off the toes on one foot and had just started painting the big toe when Mom got pretty wiggly.  We managed to finish the left foot, but the right one still has orange polish.  That ought to get some silly looks for a few days!

All in all it was a magical couple of hours!  This sweet lady is very well loved!

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