Thursday, August 6, 2009

While you were sleeping

Today Mom has been quite alert.  She is much more aware of her surroundings, and seems to be trying to figure out what is going on.  She says, "I've got to get going," and "I've got to get out of here."  We've decided that the reason she has been moving her head from side to side so much these past few days is because she is trying to wake up and figure things out.  However, she has really been pretty calm today.

This morning when her sister, Lorraine, was here, the occupational therapists sat her up on the side of the bed.  They also worked her arms and legs as she laid on her back.  She was in a lot of pain when they bent her knees, and tried to resist.  We were glad to see that she could!

Around noon she finally opened her mouth for the speech therapist and sipped a few spoonfuls of water and ate an ice chip.  She seemed to really enjoy that.  She is very leery of anyone trying to put anything in her mouth, especially when they try to swab it out every few hours. We think it reminds her of the breathing tube.  Who could blame her for that?!

The best part of the day was that she carried on a conversation with several people.  She knows her full name, and calls everyone else by name as she speaks to them.  She can also see the television and what is going on out in the hall.  Late this afternoon she looked up at the television and said, "It's Pakistan."  I looked up, and sure enough, there was a map on the screen!  Way to go, Mom!

Later this afternoon she told Alan that she wanted a sip of water through a straw.  We sat her upright in bed and she took several sips.  It was her first drink of water in a week and a half!!!   

The doctor said she is very stable medically and their focus now is on rehabilitation.  He thought perhaps she would only need to be in the ICU for a couple more days.  

When we look at how far she has come it is downright miraculous.  We truly appreciate your faith and prayers on her behalf and know that Heavenly Father is surely watching out for her.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to tell her how much we love her.
    -Bryce, Nancy & Derek
