Friday, August 28, 2009

Happy (early) Birthday, Mom!

We got the most wonderful tender mercy this afternoon!  Mom gets to go up to the TWELFTH floor for rehab starting on Monday!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAHOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We got our miracle after all!  We acknowledge the Lord's hand in this turn of events and know He is watching over us.  

Mom didn't actually qualify, rather they are allowing her a 14 day trial period after which they will reevaluate the situation.  But, hey, we'll take it.  We are going to boldly petition the Lord to wake up her mind and help her be more alert so she can fully participate in this experience. From our observations and the things we've been told, they are miracle workers on the 12th floor, but Mom will need to work hard. We ask for more faith and prayers on her behalf for this miracle to occur.    

Now for some more "Mom"isms.  Tonight during a mundane conversation, Mom quipped to Dad, "Oh, Jim, don't panic!"  A bit later she retorted, "You know, Diane, I know more than you'll ever know!"  (She really meant, of course, that she is more aware of our conversations than we think.)  

At times Mom realizes that she's not making sense.   "Let's see . . . what am I trying to say?" And then tonight she opened her eyes, glared directly at us and said, "I thought in all my ramblings, I made some valid points."   Now that's the Mom we know and love! 

Happy (early) birthday, sweet Mom!  You deserve this chance!


  1. HOW EXCITING!!! Oh, that just made my day. Way to go, Grammie!

  2. I'm so glad you have this chance for a trial period on 12th floor. YEAH!!!! It sounds like she is moving more, so that is good, also.
