Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome back!

She's waking up!!!!! This is so exciting! They took out the ventilator about 3:30 p.m. and she has been wiggling around non stop since then. She moves her head from side to side almost constantly, licks her lips (she has a pretty brutal cold sore from the breathing tube) and opens her eyes. Although she's not looking at us, she seems to recognize our voices and even smile at times. Her legs are moving constantly as well and she seems to be trying to move her torso. She is moving her head so much that we can't keep the oxygen mask on her face. We are excited that she is breathing well on her own and can cough and clear her airway. What an exciting hour and a half!!!

It has been a great day. From the time we arrived she has been moving alot. The doctor was anxious to get the breathing tube out so she wouldn't develop pneumonia, but there was a very real chance it might have to be reinserted if she couldn't cough and keep the airway clear on her own. Everything went very smoothly, so we are thrilled!!



  1. Oh, how exciting. That must give her so much more opportunity to get the muscles working and doing. We are so thankful for this improvement and also for your thoughtfulness in doing the blog. I have checked it periodically all day and was so happy to see your post. Love you all. Dick & Lorraine

  2. We are so excited and thrilled to hear about Paulines improvements! We love her and Jim so much! And hope for a speedy recovery! We think about her everyday and she is always in our prayers. My kids are very worried about her but I have insured them that she is being taken care of and is surrounded by her family that is watching out for her. We love and care for all of you and hope for the best. Love always, Rachelle, John, Sean, Mylee and Kaiden Owens.
