Saturday, August 29, 2009

Super Saturday

We're still riding high about our exciting news from yesterday!  Dad received a call telling him what we should provide for Mom up on the 12th floor.  They want her to have several outfits, so today I went shopping and found a few possibilities.  It was exciting to picture Mom wearing real clothes instead of a hospital gown!  One of the things they do in rehab is have the patients get dressed each day.  (That, in and of itself, would make anyone feel better!)

The doctors and nurses are excited for Mom too.  Her situation is quite well known, and even those who don't know Mom personally, know about her and are rooting for her.  One of the nurses told Alan that she has never seen a patient have more support than Mom.  That made us feel good!

One of the sad parts about moving upstairs will be leaving behind Mom's different therapists, nurses and aides.  They are so thoughtful and encouraging and patient, and have truly been a blessing in her life, as well as ours.  We are so grateful their love, kindness and professionalism. Tonight as we were leaving we passed a bulletin board filled with thank you notes from patients to various staff members.  Dad commented  that we need to fill out a few of those before we go upstairs.  Indeed we do!

These next two weeks are truly a gift from Heavenly Father, and we acknowledge his hand in our lives.  When we look back to where we were two weeks ago, we are amazed at the progress Mom has made, and thrill to think of where she might be in the next fourteen days!  However, our excitement is tempered by the difficulty of the hurdles that must be overcome.  We need the fog to lift from Mom's mind so she can clearly see the path that lies before her. We are pleading with the Lord to help Mom make the most of these next two weeks and ask that you join your faith and prayers with ours in her behalf.  We have seen many miracles thus far and have faith that we will see many more in the days ahead.  Thanks for joining with us on this journey.  Your faith and prayers lift and sustain us.

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